Keeps Atheles Going

5:31 PM

What Keeps The Athletes Going

If you are one of those ill-witted who perceive athletes as gods who don’t need to stop to take in air, or to relax when there is need for relaxation, then perhaps it would be much of a disappointment to you to find out that athletes are not so different from those who are not athletes for they also make use of supplements to get them going.

It is part of their diet to take in supplements to have an enhancement of their endurance, and also to increase or, if not increase, maintain the appropriate muscle mass to be able to improve size and strength.

Protein supplements are part of sports nutrition, without these said sports nutrition supplements; athletes would not be the way they are at present. However, contrary to what most people think, diets jampacked with protein do not necessarily build up muscle strength.

Building up muscle strength would be the job of regular physical activity. So if you want those big muscles you have to do exercises, not necessarily at gyms but could be also at your residences, daily. Doing so not by the day would not be producing the same result if you do so daily.

Sports nutrition supplements need high levels of protein, which you can get from protein-rich foods and enumerating all will be a total waste of space in this article.

But to enlighten you, here are a few of the foods that are rich in protein. There is fish, poultry and dairy products,and these are the foods you usually get your protein from because some sources of protein are high in fat and also in calories. So basically, you must take note which sources are high in fat and which are not.

Yeah, sports nutrition supplements sound so good but they can also put a strain on your liver and kidneys, which is the main reason why sports nutrition experts discourage taking them.

Some other sports nutrition supplements also have high amounts of nitrogen, which will only be excreted from your body as urea. But it is not as easy nor is it as safe as it sounds for this said exretion oftenly causes fluid imbalance, which will then lead to dehydration.

There is also a higher risk of heart disease due to the high fat intake associated with sports nutrition supplements that have high amounts of protein from animal sources.

Another disadvantage of sports nutrition supplements is that there is a huge tendency that you will ingest amino acids that are capable of interfering with other amino acids, which will have a result of a metabolic imbalance.

Sports nutrition supplements that have high amounts of amino aids can also cause gout; diarrhea and stomach cramping that can rank from mild to severe pain.

Even if sports nutrition supplements are being discouraged by sports nutrition experts, Bricker Labs, a sports nutrition supplement manufacturer, still do a lot of advertising and manufacturing as well.

Bricker Labs has over thirty years to blame for their success in their provision of sports nutrition supplements. They do not apply to sports nutrition only too, but also to weight loss, diet, health and other nutritional aspects.

So if you have plans to take any kind of sports nutrition supplements, then Bricker Labs is probably the sports nutrition supplement manufacturer to trust. Why? It is because they use ingredients that are safer than what other sports nutrition supplements contain. What kind of ingredients, you ask?

They make us of the L-Carnitine, which is mainly there for weight loss, energy and also for having a healthy heart function; Colostrum, which gives your body a healthy immune system function and also gives your body an improved stamina and also for an easier recovery in almost all cases; Vandayl Sulfate, which is capable of growing your muscles and also has the ability to define your muscles; Protein, everyone knows what protein is for and that is for sports nutrition, and also for health and muscle growth.

Another is the Creatine, which is also for sports nutrition and muscle growth but it also involves bodybuilding this time; HCA or Garcinia Cambogia, for losing weight and suppressing your appetite; and last but certainly not the least, Vitamin B-12, this one is for overall health and nutrition.

So what more could you ask for? Sports nutrition supplements give you what you need, what your body needs and boosts your ego all the same time.
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Sport Nutrition International

5:28 PM
Sports Nutrition International

Sports Nutrition International is a leading manufacturer of quality dietary supplements for athletes who put priority on strength-training and endurance. Products by Sports Nutrition International are created through reliable, peer-reviewed, published scientific research in muscle physiology vis-à-vis athletic performance and nutritional science in the field of strength & conditioning performance.

Sports Nutrition International offers a gamut of premium quality sport supplements and specializes in thermogenics, energy powder, weight loss pills, glutamine powder, creatine, weight gainers and energy pills. Ingredients are of best quality.

The following nutrients are essential to most of Sports Nutrition International’s products:


This is the most abundant amino acid in the body. High concentrations are found in skeletal muscles, lung, liver, brain, and stomach tissue. Intracellular concentration of l-glutamine in the skeletal system makes up to 60 percent of total body glutamine stocks.

L-Glutamine is small in size and because of this it moves easily into muscles thus preventing muscle-breakdown and supporting muscle growth. L-Glutamine also helps the production of plasma arginine and glutamate--amino acids linked to growth.

L– glutamine should be taken on an empty stomach to improve competition for absorption.

The body's tissues need more glutamine than the amount supplied by diet and biosynthesis under certain pathological circumstances. During catabolic stress intracellular glutamine levels can drop more than 50 percent. This is when supplemental glutamine becomes necessary. In times of metabolic stress, supplemental glutamine is released into the bloodstream, where it is transported to the tissue in need.

Glutamine supplements may provide immune enhancement in endurance athletes.


Glutamine peptide is a kind of glutamine that supplies critical building blocks for larger muscle mass. Peptide-bond amino acids are easier to absorb than L-glutamine. Sports Nutrition International has added glutamine peptide to Xtreme Pro Whey™ to enhance recovery and growth.


Creatine Monohydrate is one of the most popular and most effective bodybuilding supplements today. This is because of its quick-results in terms of size and strength gains. Within 2 to 3 weeks of use a person can gain 5 to 10 pounds with noticeably larger muscles.

This nutrient is naturally produced in the body and stored in muscle cells as energy. It is found in lean red meats and green leafy vegetables. However as people cannot eat voluminous amounts of these each day, supplementation is necessary to saturate the muscle cells.

Creatine renews the muscles essential energy source, ATP or adenosine triphosphate. Increased levels in muscles optimizes energy turnover meaning you’ll more energy for high power exercise and faster recovery during and after workouts. Creatine also increases the athlete’s maximum effort, delays fatigue and therefore prolongs endurance.



Xtreme Methoxy Rx is a superior anabolic formula that uses a combination of supplements to help you gain incredible amounts of lean body mass.

Xtreme Methoxy Rx contains large doses of these potent legal anabolic compounds: Methoxyflavone, Ipriflavone and Ecdysone. These compounds increase nitrogen retention through working in different pathways.

Sports Nutrition International’s customized Protein Rx™ blend, which includes a combination of Whey Isolate, Whey Peptides and micro/ultra filtered Whey Concentrate. Protein Rx™ obtains Glutamine Peptides, Taurine and Arginine to boost protein synthesis, multiply recovery times, stimulate glucose uptake and increase the release of GH.

The mixture also includes Zinc and Magnesium Aspartate plus vitamin B6, the mixture of which enhances testosterone levels, helping you obtain an anabolic effect and increase strength gains.


This contains pure whey protein and glutamine peptides.

Xtreme Pro Mass provides a delicious high carbohydrate-protein ratio (2:1) to stimulate muscular growth after workout. This is an easy-mix, low-fat drink with high and low glycemic carbohydrates which provides a sustained release of energy to hard working muscle.


Xtreme Pro Pump is a creatine transport system that combines nutrients to facilitate faster absorption into muscle cells.

Xtreme Pro Pump is made of quadruple stack of Alpha Lipoic Acid, Vanadyl sulfate, Chromium peptide, and d-pinitol. This formula helps improve insulin response when blended with dextrose. This is vital for increasing muscle mass. Ipriflavone, methoxyflavone, and zinc and magnesium aspartate as additions make this formula a complete anabolic supplement.


This is made up of 100% pure whey concentrate, isolate and whey peptides. Natural digestive enzyme complex is added to improve digestibility and assimilation, thus reducing bloating commonly linked with protein ingestion.

Xtreme Pro Whey can be mixed easily with water or nonfat milk.
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Optimum Sports Nutition

5:26 PM
Optimum Sports Nutrition

Majority of athletes and health buffs are very much concerned about sports nutrition and they want to make it as optimum as possible, which is just right. Sports and other physical activities can indeed be quite strenuous and stressful for the body.

If not backed up by proper nutrition, these activities will adversely affect the entire body. Thus, it is just best to always aim for an optimum sports nutrition.

There is not one standard that will clearly identify what an optimum sports nutrition is. Yes, there are several products in the market that are literally labelled as such but they cannot automatically guarantee best results.

This is mainly because the results are not purely dependent on the product itself. Instead, great consideration must also be given on the condition of one’s body. Only after identifying the body’s current status will one be able to know what sports nutrition is optimum.

The basics, though, of a sports nutrition that is optimum lie on three major aspects.

First, there has to be an intake of enough liquid which may or may not contain additional components that are equally beneficial. Second, a suitable diet must provide the body with appropriate nutrients. Third, certain supplements and vitamins must come hand in hand with the first two to further boost their impact on the body. Everything must then spring from these three fundamental requirements.

Indeed, an optimum sports nutrition for one person may not be considered similarly by another. This is primarily because every person has unique needs and goals, and is in unique circumstances. These should be considered carefully at the very start.

The nutrients that are usually beneficial for any athlete are carbohydrates and protein. These two play a major role in making the body cope with the extreme stress that comes with the activities. They also boost one’s immune system. Most of the time, these are included in sports drinks. Also, the foods that athletes eat are usually rich in these.

Generally, a physician is the best person to tell what the optimum sports nutrition is for a certain person. This is so because he has a broad understanding of the functions of the human body and its reaction to environmental stimulators.

However, one must also take into consideration that a significant part of a physician’s diagnosis or recommendation depends on what one tells him, as not everything is observable. Providing him with one’s activity plans will indeed help a lot.

Moreover, mere identification of the optimum sports nutrition is not enough as religious adherence to it is what creates a significant effect. One must commit himself to it no matter what. It has to be in constant partnership with one’s physical efforts.

An irregular nutrition program is not at all beneficial and may even cause adverse effects since the body is getting confused with the nutrients that sometimes do come in the body and at times do not.

This is also one of the reasons why one is discouraged to start with it if the motivation is mainly just peer or societal pressure.

In such cases, more often than not, the nutrition program is not sustained and is just put to waste no matter how optimum it was supposed to be. There has to be a better motivation other than mere imitation of other people.

Sports nutrition must be optimum in any case. This is what every person engaging in such should aim for at all times. The body is at stake so there must not be a room for compromises. The best should remain one’s target no matter what.
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5:09 PM
Books On Sports Nutrition

Due to the increasing interest in sports nutrition and a growing number of athletes and health buffs becoming more conscious of the nutrition they take in to power their performance, a lot of books have already been released to disseminate more information and further heighten people’s awareness. This is, in fact, very beneficial as awareness is most of the time the springboard of concrete actions.

One of these books on sports nutrition is that of Nancy Clark entitled, Sports Nutrition Guidebook. This book is a collection of solutions suggested by different sports nutritionists.

Nancy Clark, a renowned sports nutritionist herself, shows how one can identify well what to eat to get more energy, cope well with stress, control weight, improve overall health, and improve the quality of workouts in the midst of a stressful lifestyle.

She also gives suggestions on how to lose excess body fat in the body while maintaining the energy for further exercise. She also provides several tips on maximizing the benefits of what one person eats. This book is rich with practical tips on sports nutrition that are easy to follow and apply in day to day living.

Moreover, Susan Kleiner’s book on sports nutrition entitled, High-Performance Nutrition: The Total Eating Plan to Maximum Your Workout, presents what one needs to eat in line with a workout plan to achieve optimum results.

She advocates the importance of a good partnership between diet and exercise in performing excellently in sports. She shows how one can bring out the best in any type of workout or exercise, be it aerobics, strength training, endurance training, cross training, and other recreational sports.

Another sports nutrition book is Sports Nutrition for Endurance Athletes written by Monique Ryan. The author’s two-decade experience in counselling athletes about their nutritional needs and intake brought about this book.

She explains both the general principles which are applicable to endurance athletes of any sport and specific guidelines which are for those engaged in more specific sports like swimming, triathlons, cycling, mountain biking, distance running, and many others.

She likewise covers the basics of nutrition as well as how to train and make that training persist. Overall, this sports nutrition book is a detailed, updated, but practical guide to nutrition.

Still adding up to the list of sports nutrition books is the one entitled Eating for Endurance.

The author is a registered dietician who specializes in sports nutrition as well as an elite endurance athlete. Strategies on improving one’s diet, maintaining a healthy and ideal weight, successfully handling extreme environments, using sports nutrition supplements, and many other helpful information on sports nutrition are included in the book.

This is indeed a very credible book as the author speaks from first-hand experience.

One must indeed take the initiative to equip himself with the necessary knowledge and information if he really wants to do well in this aspect. Besides, putting an effort on sports nutrition will benefit no one else but himself.

These books are there not to give false promises or misleading information. Instead, their purpose is to show that achieving goals and targets had already happened in the past and is therefore totally feasible in the present if only one will commit to it.

There are still many other sports nutrition books out in the market that aim to help in information dissemination and proper education of people. Sports nutrition is indeed something that is not supposed to be taken for granted.

Mere exercise is not enough as it has to be coupled with the right and balanced diet as well as the right attitude towards one’s health in general.
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Sport Nutrition

5:02 PM
American Sports Nutrition: Providing health and fitness for everybody

Since more and more people are getting interested in becoming world-class athletes, and the area of sports is one of the most lucrative and popular forms of entertainment and recreation, the study of sports nutrition has developed steadily. Consumable products and instructional materials are being released in the market endlessly in order to help athletes and ordinary people with ample interest in physical fitness achieve their personal goals.

In this respect, American sports nutrition has indeed made very useful discoveries on how to make the human body function to its outmost potential.

Here are some studies and opinions created by some of the most respected health and fitness experts around.

According to a press release from the IDEA Health & Fitness Association, the best kind of nutrition is only based on the type of food one eats, but also, the time that a certain food was consumed. Research states that the food that athletes take in on all stages of a training session, may it be prior, during or afterwards, will make a considerable impact on their athletic prowess and recovery.

The highlights of the press release include:

-The practice of right timing for taking in nutrients also benefits ordinary exercisers, and not only athletes

-The consumption of nutrients in ideal combinations at the most optimal of frequencies will result in the enhancement of athletic performance and the recovery of the body. It also improves the composition and strength of muscles.

-Obesity can be battled by simply upping the amount of calcium that one consumes everyday.

-The right combination of protein and carbohydrates will result in improved workout and training performance.

Another important discovery made in American sports nutrition deals with the possibility of high protein diets to bring about dehydration in most people, even professional sportsmen.

Citing a study from the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, graduate student William Forrest Martin reported on the effect of high protein on five athletes who were made to consume various amounts in the span of four weeks. The researchers stressed that when one takes in high amounts of protein in their body, the amount of fluid intake should also be raised considerably.

Aside from hydration, people who drink less water are prone to catching other health problems, such as heat illnesses. Minimal decrease of water in the body will have a negative effect on certain bodily functions.

The importance and strategies for the recovery of the body after strenuous activity has also been discussed in relation to American sports nutrition.

A good recovery enables one to be well-prepared for the next physical activity. What are the goals in body recovery? they are:

-Replacement of the storage of liver glycogen and muscle in the body.

-Regaining of all those electrolytes and fluids that went down with the sweat.

-Rejuvenation of the body from the damage brought about by exercise.

It is best to consume foods rich in carbohydrates while the body recovers from the activity.

Other tips for quick recovery include:

-Take snacks for within an hour maximum if the next activity is less than 8 hours.

-For people with poor appetite, juice and sports drinks can provide carbs and fluids necessary for recovery.
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2:33 AM
Vita Salveo is a 100% all natural nutritional supplement that has proven to be an effective appetite enhancer. In trials, the revolutionary Vita Salveo formula has been shown to increase your appetite and calorie intake up to 300% - thus giving you the ability to consume more food and reap the benefits of a higher caloric intake.

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